Unsere Arbeitsgruppe forscht zu kognitiven Grundlagen psychiatrischer Störungen, vielfach kommen eigene experimentelle Paradigmen zum Einsatz. Seit führen wir ein selbst entwickeltes Trainingsprogramm durch, welches metakognitive Fähigkeiten bei Schizophrenie verbessern soll www. Das MKT wurde auch für Borderline, Depression und Zwang angepasst. Weitere Informationen unter: clinical-neuropsychology. Aktuell entwickeln wir Online-Interventionen für psychische Störungen. Reducing problematic pornography use with imaginal retraining-A randomized controlled trial Baumeister A, Gehlenborg J, Schuurmans L, Moritz S, Briken P J BEHAV ADDICT. Is Self-Help Dangerous? Examination of Adverse Effects of a Psychological Internet-Based Self-Help Intervention for Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior Free From BFRB Baumeister A, Schmotz S, Weidinger S, Moritz S BEHAV THER. Are psychotic-like experiences associated with aberrant prosocial decision-making behavior? Elmers J, Gabbert T, David B, Scheunemann J, Moritz S FRONT PSYCHOL. The contributions of risk-taking and impulsivity to jumping to conclusions in the psychosis spectrum Gabbert T, Scheunemann J, Balzan R, Doehring N, Elmers J, Moritz S SCHIZOPHR RES. Can an app increase health literacy and reduce the stigma associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder? Randomized Controlled Trial on Imaginal Retraining for Problematic Alcohol Use: A Dismantling Study Gehlenborg J, Göritz A, Kempken J, Wirtz J, Schuurmans L, Moritz S, Kühn S CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT. Implicit aggressive self-concept in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: Results from an approach-avoidance task Gehlenborg J, Miegel F, Moritz S, Scheunemann J, Yassari A, Jelinek L J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. Too much of a good thing? Linden Gießener Straße 120 Prostituierte hygiene and the long-term course of contamination-related obsessive-compulsive symptoms Jelinek L, Göritz A, Miegel F, Schuurmans L, Moritz S, Yassari A, Müller J FRONT PSYCHOL. Adverse Events of Psychological Interventions. Affective and cognitive Theory of Mind in patients with alcohol use disorder: Associations with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and somatization Knopp M, Burghardt J, Oppenauer C, Meyer B, Moritz S, Sprung M Journal of substance use and addiction treatment. How can imaginal retraining for modifying food craving be improved? Larsen J, Hollands G, Moritz S, Wiers R, Veling H APPETITE. A Pilot Study of Metacognitive Training in U. A Self-Guided Internet-Based Intervention for the Reduction of Gambling Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial Rolvien L, Buddeberg L, Gehlenborg J, Borsutzky S, Moritz S JAMA NETW OPEN. Efficacy and moderators of metacognitive training for depression in older adults MCT-Silver : A randomized controlled trial Schneider B, Veckenstedt R, Karamatskos E, Ahlf-Schumacher J, Gehlenborg J, Schultz J, Moritz S, Jelinek L J AFFECT DISORDERS. Change in negative mental filter is associated with depression reduction in metacognitive training for depression in older adults MCT-Silver Schneider B, Veckenstedt R, Karamatskos E, Scheunemann J, Moritz S, Jelinek L, Miegel F SCI REP-UK. Psychotische Störungen Baumeister A, Rüegg N, Lüdtke T, Moritz S Digitale Gesundheitsinterventionen. Ebert D, Baumeister H Hrsg. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, Do depressed patients really over-report cognitive impairment? Beblo T, Bergdolt J, Kilian M, Toepper M, Moritz S, Driessen M, Dehn L J AFFECT DISORDERS. A self-guided Internet-based intervention for individuals with chronic pain and depressive symptoms: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial Borsutzky Linden Gießener Straße 120 Prostituierte, Moritz S, Hottenrott B, Gehlenborg J TRIALS. A mobile-based aftercare intervention to increase self-esteem in inpatients diagnosed with depression. Hasty decision making and belief inflexibility in the more delusion prone? A modified disambiguating-scenarios paradigm assessing cognitive biases implicated in delusions Cesur E, Moritz S, Balzan R, Scheunemann J, Gabbert T, Aleksandrowicz A, Fischer R SCHIZOPHR RES. Perfectionism as Possible Predictor for Treatment Success in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Metacognitive Training as Third-Wave Treatments for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Claus N, Miegel-Heyckendorf F, Jelinek L, Landmann S, Moritz S, Külz A, Rubel J, Cludius B COGNITIVE THER RES. Metacognition in psychosis: What and how do we assess it? Franck N Hrsg. Issy-les-Moulineaux: Elsevier Masson, Metacognitive training in the acute psychiatric care setting: feasibility, acceptability, and Linden Gießener Straße 120 Prostituierte Fischer R, Nagel M, Schöttle D, Lüdecke D, Lassay F, Moritz S, Scheunemann J FRONT PSYCHOL. The Dimensional Structure of the Gambling Attitudes and Beliefs Survey: Challenging the Assumption of the Unidimensionality of Gambling-Specific Cognitive Distortions Gehlenborg J, Moritz S, Bücker L J GAMBL STUD. Unmet Psychosocial Needs of Health Care Professionals in Europe During the COVID Pandemic: Mixed Methods Approach Hummel S, Michelsen I, Zafar A, Moritz S, Benoy C, Lemogne C, Almeida R, Losada R, Ribeiro O, Frisardi V, Tarricone I, Ferrari S, Dechent F, Huber C, Weidt S, Mayer G, Schultz J JMIR PUBLIC HLTH SUR. Psychische Belastungen bei Angehörigen von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen während der COVID Pandemie Jahn I, Jelinek L, Moritz S, Stengler K PSYCHIAT PRAX. Metakognitives Training bei Depression D-MKT [2.
Moritz S, von Mühlenen A DEPRESS ANXIETY. Dealing with feeling. Kognitive Dysfunktionen im Fokus Moritz S, Köther U, Hottenrott B Metacognitive training. Does impairment in neuropsychological tests equal neuropsychological impairment in obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD?
Ebenso wenig ist ja auch. Geschäft mit der Prostitution verhindern. Weder die eine noch die andere rechtliche. Heute haben sie mit einer starken Konkurrenz aus dem Internet zu kämpfen. Hinsichtlich der Baumpflanzungen ist das „Merkblatt über Baumstandorte und unterirdische Ver- und Entsorgungsanlagen“ der Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen-. Videotheken waren einmal eine Goldgrube. Unser Ticker zum Start in den Morgen. Regelung wird das ausgesprochen lukrative. Was in der Nacht passiert ist, was am Tag wichtig wird – und alles, was Hessen bewegt.Moritz S, Göritz A, Kraj M, Gehlenborg J, Hottenrott B, Tonn P, Ascone L, Pedersen A, Kühn S EUR ADDICT RES. Improving functional outcome in bipolar disorder: A pilot study on metacognitive training Haffner P, Quinlivan E, Fiebig J, Sondergeld L, Strasser E, Adli M, Moritz S, Stamm T CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT. Moritz S, Andresen B BRIT J CLIN PSYCHOL. Autobiographical memory in adult offspring of traumatized parents with and without posttraumatic stress symptoms Wittekind C, Jelinek L, Moritz S, Muhtz C, Berna F PSYCHIAT RES. A Self-Guided Internet-Based Intervention for the Reduction of Gambling Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial Rolvien L, Buddeberg L, Gehlenborg J, Borsutzky S, Moritz S JAMA NETW OPEN. Psychosocial approaches in the treatment of psychosis. Lambert M, Perro C, Moritz S, Naber D Viele Cineasten suchen heute lieber online nach Filmen als im Laden. PERSIST - Personenzentrierte Settingübergreifende Integrative Schizophrenietherapie. CHI EA ' Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. A check on the memory deficit hypothesis of obsessive-compulsive checking. EFPPP Jahrbuch Empirische Forschung in der forensischen Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Was Freud partly right on obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD? Beyond the usual suspects: positive attitudes towards positive symptoms is associated with medication noncompliance in psychosis. Investigation of implicit avoidance of displacement-related stimuli in offspring of trauma exposed, forcibly-displaced individuals Wittekind C, Muhtz C, Moritz S, Jelinek L J ANXIETY DISORD. Psychopathology and treatment approaches. Impact of performance feedback on symptom change in schizophrenia patients Moritz S, Voigt M, Köther U, Leighton L, Kjahili B, Babur Z, Jungclaussen D, Veckenstedt R, Grzella K J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. A dismantling study on imaginal retraining in overweight or obese women Wirtz J, Ascone L, Gehlenborg J, Moritz S, Kühn S TRANSL PSYCHIAT. New wine in an old bottle? A fine-grained analysis of how hallucinations and delusions change under psychiatric treatment. Voderholzer U, Kathmann N, Reuter B Hrsg. Heute haben sie mit einer starken Konkurrenz aus dem Internet zu kämpfen. A liberal acceptance account. DGPPN-Kongress An online programme to reduce depression in patients with multiple sclerosis: a randomised controlled trial. Alle Beteiligten verzichten darauf, das Urteil anzufechten. From stress to paranoia: an experimental investigation of the moderating and mediating role of reasoning biases. Long-term effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and residual symptoms after cognitive behavioral therapy: Twelve-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial Cludius B, Landmann S, Rose N, Heidenreich T, Hottenrott B, Schröder J, Jelinek L, Voderholzer U, Külz A, Moritz S PSYCHIAT RES. Nach dem Abendessen fängt der als Hausmeister tätige Amerikaner an, Whiskey-Cola zu trinken. Applicability of the Clinical Global Impressions - Aggression CGI-A Scale for use in file Audit Trials. Letzte Aktualisierung aus dem FIS: Moritz S, Niels V, Lincoln T SCHIZOPHR RES TREAT. Virtual Reality for Individuals with Occasional Paranoid Thoughts Ascone L, Ney K, Mostajeran F, Steinicke F, Moritz S, Gallinat J, Kühn S Combination of two behavioral techniques reduces craving in problematic alcohol consumption by one third: a randomized controlled trial Moritz S, Göritz A, Kühn S, Gehlenborg J EUR ADDICT RES.