Christopher Ewing is an Assistant Professor in the History Department at Virginia Commonwealth University and in summer was a visiting scholar at the Dahlem Humanities Center, working with Ulrike Schaper on a project examining overlapping discourses of male homo- and heterosexual sex tourism. Through much of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, European colonies served as places of refuge for same-sex desiring German men fleeing legal persecution under Paragraph and, afterParagraph a. At the same time, they also allowed German men to pursue their desires for exoticized men and boys — a trend dating back decades and often based on contradictory conceptions of racial Amsterdam International Sex Guide. Although West Amsterdam International Sex Guide decriminalized sexual acts between men over the age of 21, many same-sex desiring men continued to seek sex abroad, often traveling to places which they thought offered greater sexual freedom than the Federal Republic. This information could sometimes stand in opposition to racialized desires; however, it nevertheless helped shore up understandings of West Germany as politically and sexually progressive over the course of the s and early s. The search for sexual liberality often had less to do with legal progressivism than with assumptions about the cultural acceptance of sexuality, which was sometimes intertwined with conceptions of civilizational backwardness. If the gay scene is especially good in one area … the rest of us soon know it and go there to join the fun. Despite the comprehensiveness of Spartacushowever, same-sex desiring travelers in the s would depend on an assortment of sources including gay travel guides, international news agencies, and first-hand accounts in order to stay informed, often leading to confusion. Nevertheless, confusion still reigned. In DecemberK. The apparent contradiction between sexual liberality and legal repression allowed readers to shore up racialized ideas of West Germany and western Europe as both civilized and politically progressive in contradistinction to other parts of the world that could be both sexually primitive and legally backwards. At the same time, the tenuousness of information about the legal situation in other countries helped foster the perpetuation of racial stereotypes as seemingly plausible explanations. Postcolonial legal changes therefore entered into a feedback loop by which colonial-era assumptions of western European superiority were reinforced. West Germany had a vastly different relationship to decolonization from countries like France or the UK, and many tourist destinations were never strictly colonial spaces. Nevertheless, same-sex desiring travelers were able to bring racialist assumptions to bear on international legal frameworks and draw on first-hand tourist accounts to shore up a growing, though incomplete, understanding of West Germany as sexually progressive. Stamford, Spartacus International Gay Guide 11 th ed. Amsterdam, OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows: hsl October 13, Sex Tourism and Legal Change. History Sexuality Law. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. OpenEdition Search All OpenEdition Digital resources in the Social Sciences and Humanities OpenEdition Our platforms OpenEdition Books OpenEdition Journals Hypotheses Calenda Libraries OpenEdition Freemium Follow us. You will be redirected to OpenEdition Search. In all OpenEdition. In "History Sexuality Law". Skip to content Christopher Ewing is an Assistant Professor in the History Department at Virginia Commonwealth University and in summer was a visiting scholar at the Dahlem Humanities Center, working with Ulrike Schaper on a project examining overlapping discourses of male homo- and heterosexual sex tourism. In Search of sexual Freedom The search for sexual liberality often had less to do with legal progressivism than with assumptions about the cultural acceptance of sexuality, which was sometimes intertwined with conceptions of civilizational backwardness. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Next Post Next Why Images? The Role of Visual Media in Protest Movement Research.
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